Whilst there's no internet in the flat yet I still needed my online fix tonight but didn't really want to traipse to the Vien Dong and buy a drink so I could use their free WiFi. Rather than that I have slipped downstairs to the garden area between my block and the next and parked myself on a bench. There's a breeze this evening and all the little kids have packed up their footballs and bikes and are in bed ( or watching tv and playing computer games more probably ).
I've picked up an open internet connection, maybe coming from one of the cafes on Nguyen Van Linh ( the main road on the other side of my building ) and am happily surfing. I've sent an email, had a quick read or the Guardian and done this update. For some mysterious reason blogging tonight appears not to be censored.
Now it's time for a nightcap before bed. There's very cheap and nasty Hanoi vodka to finish and a little bit of Bacardi, my new spirit of choice, delicious with squirts of fresh lime juice and a splash of Sprite. And more good news, I've been paid today and had all my visa expenses reimbursed too so I'm rich. ( well by Vietnamese standards anyway )
Hi Steve
ReplyDeletetricky to post to this blog... maybe this will work. You don't mention your job much - who (and what) are you teaching?
kate (sewing machine)